If you’re reading this blog post, there’s a solid chance you might be dating (or married to) a horse person. So I’ll start off by saying, congratulations. Your significant other likes you almost as much as they like their horse, and that means they like you a lot. You might be wondering how you can be the best possible significant other to this horse crazy human. Don’t worry… I’m here to help! Here is a guide to dating a horse person.

They will be late to everything… accept it. Barn time is very time consuming. There is always that horse that needs to be fed or blanketed. There is always a stall that needs cleaning. Your significant other will frequently have rides that take longer than they intended, because their horse decided to be a jerk on a day where you both needed to be somewhere important. It happens, and no, it’s not intentional!

Get used to dirt. Dirty floors, dirty carpets, dirty clothes. Get used to saddle pads in the washing machine. Shavings in shoes, and mud on the bottom of jeans that gets tracked all over the place. And horse hair on the couch, because your significant other rode bareback that day and forgot about it before sitting down.

They will smell like a horse. You will hug them when they get home, and you might need to hold your breath. This is normal. And if you go to the barn for even just a few minutes, you will realize that it takes virtually nothing to smell like a horse. Touch a lead rope? Carry a saddle? Set foot in a stall? Congrats, you now smell like a horse too.

Offer to clean their horse’s stall while they ride. You may not know how to handle a half ton, four-legged beast, but I’m sure you can handle a pitchfork and wheelbarrow. You can save a horse person some time and hassle with this offer that is sure to be well received.

Learn some horse skills. Watch YouTube videos about horse care. Strive to learn the basics of fixing fences and hooking up a horse trailer. You’ll be your significant other’s hero if you know enough to step in and help!

Don’t make uninformed tack purchases as gifts. This sounds a bit harsh, but hear me out. Horse people are very picky on what they buy for their horses. They often know exactly what specific brands and sizing will work for their equine partners. While tack is a very thoughtful gift, do plenty of research beforehand, or straight up ask your significant other what they need.

You will be a human tie post. While your significant other scrambles to get themselves ready for their class, you will often be asked to hold the horse. This is usually a simple task. Watch your feet so said horse doesn’t step on you. Keep said horse’s reins off the ground. If said horse moves, pull back and say “whoa”. You’ve got this. And you can add “professional horse holder” to your resume.

Support them. Horseback riding is very expensive, so if you can offer a little assistance here and there, it is sure to be appreciated. However, you can support your significant other in different, more important ways. Go to their horse shows and cheer them on. Watch their riding lessons and have water ready at the side of the arena. Video their rides (horse people love that). Bring carrots for their horse, just to show you care.

Support your significant other by watching their rides!

Be aware that their horse might come first sometimes. And don’t take offense to it. Your significant other’s horse depends on them for care and exercise. That horse is basically their large, accident-prone, slightly dangerous child. He is a reflection of all their hard work, hopes and dreams. They love that horse, and if you take the time to get to know him, there’s a solid chance you will too!

Being in a relationship with a horse person is not easy. You might never see them, and when you do, they’ll be covered in dirt. But let me tell you something… horse people are some of the best people you will ever meet. They are hard working, driven, responsible, and dedicated. Horses have taught them various life skills that will give them the strength to tackle whatever life throws their way, and that includes the challenges of your relationship. If you’re dating a horse person, you’ve scored a good one. A crazy one, but a good one!

A Guide To Dating A Horse Person
Blog written by Nicole Fava (@hoofloose on Instagram).